Info & Rates


Group Sessions Schedule

This is a Boutique, Specialised Studio, with Spaces limited to 12 People Maximum joining for the Group Class. Booking Confirmation is Essential.

Tuesday 07:45 Yoga Therapy, remedial practice focusing on the healing benefits of the practice. Alignment, strength and balance. All lines evenly harmonised.

Wednesday 08:00 Intermediate and Advancing Practice, with more focus on advancing through detailed and intricate intelligence embodied. Alignment, strength and balance. All lines evenly harmonised.

Thursday 10:00 ***Meditation, Pranayama (Breathwork) & Yoga Nidra (Creative Conscious, Systematic Relaxation).

Friday 07:45 Yoga Therapy, remedial practice focusing on the healing benefits of the practice. Alignment, strength and balance. All lines evenly harmonised.

Sessions are for a duration of 60 minutes

Drop in - single class R220

36 Hours Notice must please be given for cancellation of Drop In sessions.

Monthly Rates:

1 class per week R720

Equivalent to R168 per class, rates inclusive of use of premium mats and props

2 classes per week R1280

Equivalent to R148 per class, rates inclusive of use of premium mats and props

Monthly Unlimited R1500

*Rate includes use of premium mats and props.

Monthly Subscription Fee: Fees are due even if you are away from the studio. The fee is calculated according to a flat monthly rate, of 4 weeks per month, and inclusive of studio being closed during public holidays, and for a duration of 10 days for leave if needed for the instructor. One calendar month’s notice is required.

Private Remedial Yoga, Yoga Therapy, are 60 minutes

R760 for Remedial Yoga Private Session. *R640 for regular weekly scheduled sessions and for surrounding~area locals.

For Semi-Privates add on R160 per person joining the session. *For regular Semi-Privates add on R100 per person joining the session.

An additional rate of R300 per session specially requested to be conducted on Saturday and Sunday, or over the public holidays.

Virtual Studio (Online Session) are 60 minutes

Virtual Studio (Online Recordings of guided Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Nidra by Jeannie Holmes)

R450 per month with a new recording link that lasts for 14 days sent weekly. So you can continue to steadily progress in your healing meditation practice.


Please message or whatsapp Jeannie Holmes +27 79 691 1321 or send an email to


J L Holmes

Everyday Cheque Account

Account Number: 1017038422

Branch Code: 101709

Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ


The Wilderness, The Garden Route, South Africa

691 3rd Avenue Wilderness 6560